The Buchanan County Sheriff’s Department is accepting applications for Certificates of Qualifications to obtain a Concealed Carry endorsement from the Missouri Department of Revenue. Applications are accepted from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, at the Support Services Division of our Office.
Individuals who desire to apply for a Certificate of Qualification must obtain the standard Missouri Form. Those applications are available at the Sheriff’s Department. No notary is required.
When the applicant submits the application the applicant must produce a copy of a Missouri Driver’s or Non-Drivers ID showing a Buchanan County address or a current military identification card or a military dependent identification card with current orders of stationing the applicant in Missouri. If the applicant has served in the military the applicant will also be required to produce a copy of their DD-214. The applicant must also produce
A standard Missouri Form of Firearms Safety Qualification. The qualification form showing the successful completion of the required firearms safety course from any qualified firearms safety instructor is acceptable.
As of July 1, 2005, Buchanan County Sheriff’s Department will be charging a fee for the Concealed Carry Application. The application fee is $100.00 cash or cashier’s check made payable to the Buchanan County Sheriff’s Department.
Citizens may obtain additional information regarding the concealed carry certificate of qualification requirements for Buchanan County by calling (816) 236-8878.
All applicants must demonstrate knowledge of firearms safety training. Applicants may accomplish the firearms training requirements by attending an approved firearms safety course, being a current firearms safety instructor, or have attended a firearms safety course given by or under the supervision of any state, county, municipal or federal law enforcement agency. There is no military exemption of any kind.
Applicants who are a current certified firearms safety instructor or have attended firearms training from a law enforcement agency will be required to produce sufficient documents to meet either of these firearms training exceptions. These applicants will be required to meet all other application procedures required by the Buchanan County Sheriff’s Department.
Effective October 11, 2003 , House Bill 349 allows all Missouri peace officers to carry a concealed weapon whether on or off duty, whether in or out of their jurisdiction.
Property and business owners who wish to prohibit concealed firearms on their property may post on the property that they prohibit concealed weapons. The Sheriff’s Office does not have any additional information regarding private property owner’s requirements for posting signs prohibiting concealed firearms on their property. House Bill 349 states the sign size must be a minimum 11x14 with a minimum of 1" letters detailing that firearms are prohibited. For further information the Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 571, Weapons Offenses, Section 571.107 can be found here.
When the background check is complete the applicant will be notified that their Concealed Carry Permit is ready to be issued. The Missouri Department of Revenue is no longer involved in the process.
Sheriff Strong suggests for your safety and the safety of our deputies, that should you come into contact with one of our deputies while you are carrying a concealed firearm, you should inform the deputy in a calm manner that you are carrying a concealed weapon and the location of the firearm. Keep your hands away from the firearm. If you are in your vehicle, keep your hands on your steering wheel until otherwise instructed by the deputy.
Sheriff Strong also reminds individuals that guns and alcohol do not mix. Possession of a firearm while intoxicated is a class D Felony.
Department Name
Sheriff's Office
501 Faraon Street, Saint Joseph, MO 64501
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday