Buchanan County Liquor License:
NEW BUSINESS: You must have a copy of your state liquor license prior to applying for a Buchanan County Liquor License.
Visit the Missouri Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Tobacco Control web site to apply for your Missouri State Liquor License.
Or, contact:
Mark Schaberg
Office Number: 816-743-8715
Main Line: (for general questions) 816-743-8888
You can also complete the Buchanan County Liquor License Application and mail it, along with a copy of your state liquor license and the applicable fee (see fee chart), to the County Clerks office.
At this time, the ability to pay for you license online is unavailable. We hope to have it ready soon. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
RENEWALS: Businesses with existing Buchanan County Liquor License(s) are required to renew their license(s) on an annual basis. Licenses are valid from July 1st of the current year, through June 30th of the following year. The County Clerk's Office will mail renewal letters to businesses with existing licenses in May of each year.
To renew your license, complete the Buchanan County Liquor License Application and mail it, along with the applicable fee (see Fee Chart), to the County Clerks office.
Auctioneer License:
An Auctioneer License may be obtained by applying through the County Clerk's Office.
Please see the fee chart below:
License fees*:
A $2.00 processing fee applies to each license.
Complete the Buchanan County Liquor Auctioneer Application and mail it, along with the applicable fee, to our office. You may also apply in person at our office.
* Please note: We can only accept cash, money orders, or checks made payable to the Buchanan County Clerk. We do not accept credit/debit cards.
Department Name
County Clerk Office
411 Jules Street, Room 121, Saint Joseph, MO 64501
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
We are open during lunch hours.